after yesterdays 'family outing' it was back to some serious shed time today, me and dangerous spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to mount the pvl ignition system to the 'macchi, things got a little fraught as we 'discussed' the best way to mount the ignition, just to put things into perspective, we are mounting it on the opposite side of the engine, not where the original points mount, reason?, this model is a 1963 wet-clutch model, we can't cut the right-hand casing down to suit the pvl, we don't want to run a battery and points as per the standard ignition system, so, we have to mount it off the end of the crankshaft on the opposite side of the motor, there's a taper on the end of the crankshaft, we need to machine the same taper onto the stator, same as we did on the mz racer, dangerous just couldn't get his head around the fact that the markings on the ignition were showing the firing point, 45 degrees before top dead centre, i tried to tell him that we just had to work backwards from that datum point, dangerous just wouldn't have it, i decided to let him have a think about it and dug out this horrible rg500 front mudguard out of my stash, with a little trimming here and there, well, it still looked shite, i cut out the sides of the guard and offered it up, the tyre is just so wide but with a lot of shaping and sanding, dropping the forks out and machining some of the stock off the mudguard mounting lug's i reckon it will fit, [just need to fab up a couple of manx type 'y' brackets], dangerous finally get's it regarding the ignition for the 'macchi, we work out how to mount it, move on and share a couple of peroni's there's no time to be falling out, but, when you spend so much time working together i guess that's just inevitable........
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