membership form for bemsee dropped through the letterbox today, it's nearly the mz anniversary, can't believe it's nearly a year gone since me and dangerous made the journey up to lancashire to pick up the basket case bike that we were going to change into the racer, had a review of the finances with mr's b and there's no way we can afford for me to do a full season racing next year, got to pick and choose which meetings we do, that's the way it goes.
Alrite Tim, Andy Saunders here. Ive just read your last racing post ^. Gutted for ya with the finances but it opens up an opportunity for me to be very cheeky!! My zed was sold and since then ive bought an R6 to do MRO stocksport and hopefully a few irish road races but since buying the R6 ive been talked into defending my championship in the zeds again. Tony Holmshaw has offered to build me another engine and everyone is stepping up thier game for next year, so (heres the cheeky bit!!)Would you be interested in lending me your bike on a sponsorship basis, ie. i would run your bike as "The Loveless Engineering MZ". Ive spoken to a few people about similar ideas but its well known that your is one of the finest MZ's ever built and id love the opportunity to take your bike to multiple wins and possibly a championship winner by the end of the year. Also, if you wanted it, im sure it could produce more work for you in building more custom mz parts coz everyone always wants what the leaders got. I know it is very cheeky to ask but im hoping the result of this is for you to own not only the finest mz but also the chamionship winner and this will have massive effects on its retail price if and when u wish to sell it. (mine was on sale for £2500 and was a very basic package). A very cheeky offer it is but potentially with excellent results all round. ifud like to talk further please email me at meandy57@hotmail.co.uk
Andy #54