went to see julian cope, 'the arch drude', at the rescue rooms in snottingham, love the venue, it's an old masonic building just around the corner from rock city, i reckon you can get around 300 people in there at a squeeze, i've seen loads of gigs here but it does get a little 'intimate', last time i saw julian was four years ago at the same venue, he had a full band last time, this time was a semi-acoustic with effects pedals and various members of his road crew layering effects with an antique analogue synthersizer, banging a large bass drum, [emblazoned with the statement 'you can't beat your head for entertainment'] and holding up fine art prints, a protest banner, 'end amerikkkan kapitalism' and waving the international anarchist flag, the songs were all classics and stripped back to basics took on a new meaning, punk doesn't need to be loud to get the message over, he's dropped the 'u' boat commanders cap and swapped it for a united air force 1960's air marshall's cap, like he says ' you need to keep up with the bad guy's', saint julian.
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