bank holiday monday, special day for a working man, i'm up at sparrow fart and in the shed, just me and the dog's, [curled up on 'their' chair] a mug of tea and radio six for company, oh yeah and my bahco files, there's just something about files, they are my favourite hand tool, [apart from my spanners, socket's, scribes, selection of hammer's, various weights and construction, rubber? ball-peign, nylon or plain old engineering? my old man's 'made in england' vice, 'snap-on' driver's, punches, ratcheting spanner's and various stanley knives, then there's the plier's, side cutter's, the trick lockwiring pliers off sweary mick via 'a well known aircraft engine manufacturer', the needle-nose's, the thread gauges i couln't live without, or my 'tables' the legendary cross reference that tell's you pitches, tapping drill sizes and a thousand and one other bit's of priceless information, oh yeah, almost forgot about my steel-rule collection] yeah, files, my favourite, [apart from.....] there's just something about the way you can cut and shape with a file that you tend to lose if you just use the milling machine or lathe, i used to spend my dinnertime at school making hand-fork's, [the little tool for digging out weed's] for all our neighbour's, i just loved using the hacksaw and filing them to shape, it's something i've never lost or got tired of doing, good job really, there's plenty to do on this frame that's for sure......

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ReplyDeletethe only fuckin file you know about is the peado. sex pest.