couple of shot's from last week, had to make up a guard to stop the grease and shit off the drive chain hitting the pvl ignition and causing major electrickery problems, i cut up a piece of square-section stock, made up some mounting's, drilled 'em and milled to shape, tried to bend up a bit of stainless stock and fucked it up royaly, so, i just dug out an old mud-flap off the work truck and, well, there you go, i'm dead chuffed with it, shame it's going to be hidden behind the original cover and no-one but me and dangerous will ever know it's there, sweary mick say's i should just pretend to be adjusting the ignition so everybody can see it, story of my life, dangerous get's all the glory, me? i'm the twat roughing out all the work........ [p.s. sorry that the photo's are in the wrong order again, but hey, it's really not my fault, contact blogger and tell 'em]......
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