It's all gone a little blurry....

Well, that's all folks, just as we were starting to settle into the holiday after Princess Jessica's kidney drama, we have finally ran out of time,as I post this we are sitting waiting in the departure lounge at San Antonio for our two and a half hour flight to Chicago, then another couple of hours wait for our connecting flight to Manchester, eight and a half hours night flight sees us into Manchester around 0750 hrs on Friday morning, then straight off to fetch the dynamic duo from the kennels, looking forward to getting licked to death, especially after a day and night travelling. Plenty of time to think about the Aermacchi project and the forthcoming rebuild that's for sure, got to get my head around the boxer racer too, I still have some unfinished business with that one, at the moment, I'm thinking of going 750, possibly short-stroke, so that we can get it revving, I've had a look at the Siebenrock website (link here if you want a butchers they do some really nice kits for the boxer engines but, even Ron Maul is struggling to get the bhp to compete with the big Guzzi's and Laverda's and is getting a K series in-line four BMW built for next season, so, I reckon the way may be to go 750 which gives me the option to race it in either the BEARS series with the BHR, or the post-classic 750 series with the CRMC, like i said, a lot to think about and I've not even mentioned my plans for the Sporty yet, oh, I just have done......
It's been a lovely little journey Lovey and hope you guys enjoyed as much as it appears, have fun with all the security measures, safe flight, happy licking, short stroking's the way, Aermacchi away, sing if you're glad to be gay, hip hop hooray, get on yer bloody way !!! XX