here's one for you, the drones, 'temptation of a white collar worker' ep from 1977, this was the spirit of punk, do-it-yourself, the sleeve even showed where the money came from to produce the record, this is another one i bought on one of my usual saturday foray's into derby's saddlergate, r.e.cords sucking me in like a magnet, hector, the famous northern soul dj, caught between two world's, bondage trouser's and brogues, 'cowboy' t-shirt's and penny loafers, bowling shirt's and old lewis biker jackets, patchoulie oil and red stripe, doc marten cherry red boots and crombie overcoats, cut down 'skelly' lambretta's and old beezer's, red pocket handkerchief's and dirty levi's, coal not dole, powercut's and ford anglias, football specials, football scarves tied around the wrist and harrington jackets, red socks, lime green socks, herring bone's and norwegian's, skinheads, suedeheads, rocksteady, the carib club, the ajanta, the old playhouse, the rex cinema, the old bell hotel, the polish club on charnwood street, the trident on east street, cleo's, bailey's and 'tiff's, button down collar's, sta-press and segg's, limey's, d.j.b and felix record's, union jack button badges, dancing to ska tunes at the youth club, thirteen pocket trousers, talcum powder and skol lager, sam fox and linda lusardi, chemist shop's and pro-plus, fucking hell, i'm getting old........
You've just excelled yourself Lovey, cracking stuff mate . . . first clip I've ever seen of them, 4ZZZ, the campus station Uni of Qld used to flog them when I started in 1980, right proper left wing subversive kit, especially for all the right proper safe, middle class kids who used to do the disc turning, if you know wot I mean youth . . . you'd likely only have to pull off a botched GBH to get yourself a first class, oneway ticket to God's own country these days mate . . . give it a crack lad, I'll meet you at the airport !!! All my love dearest, Whitey. XX
You've just excelled yourself Lovey, cracking stuff mate . . . first clip I've ever seen of them, 4ZZZ, the campus station Uni of Qld used to flog them when I started in 1980, right proper left wing subversive kit, especially for all the right proper safe, middle class kids who used to do the disc turning, if you know wot I mean youth . . . you'd likely only have to pull off a botched GBH to get yourself a first class, oneway ticket to God's own country these days mate . . . give it a crack lad, I'll meet you at the airport !!! All my love dearest, Whitey. XX