i'm working away on the lathe, reducing the spacers that mount the rear brake / master cylinder / brake fluid reservoir when i notice the lathe getting noisy, dangerous looks at me like it's my fault, 'what's that noise?' , 'it's the lathe dangerous, it's gone all noisy', 'i don't like that noise', 'neither do i mate, let's strip the lathe down to it's component part's and investigate, it's not like the sun is shining and we should be riding, i've just done a twelve hour shift on my day off and i need to shower and eat something before i faint or anything...' i struggle to get the bolts off the motor in the confined space of the base unit while dangerous has a chat with stuart, i drop the motor off and discover the pulley is wafting about on the shaft, we dig some shimming steel out of stock and shim the pulley back onto the shaft to square it up, the pulley has sheared the key off the shaft sometime in the past and the previous owner has bodged it to keep the lathe going, i sort out two old quarter bolts from the scrap bin and we manage to fashion a repair, not ideal but sometimes needs must.......
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