trev 'the rev' taylor, my backyard early '80s, trev was an apprentice a couple of year's younger than me and this is his 250 honda superdream with clip-ons and dunstall mega, this photo was taken on the day he passed his test and he went out a few days later and bought a kawasaki z1r, he really didn't click with the big four-stroke and traded it in for a 350lc, we went to silverstone for the grand-prix in august, me on my gs1000 and trev on the lc, norman brown the irish racer was killed in an accident during the 500 race and we decided to skin out early instead of watching the rest of the races, as we walked back to our bikes i spotted my gs but trev's lc was gone, probably a victim of the proddy racing 'steal to order' gang's of the time, trev was gutted, i was gutted, i gave him a lift to the police station on my bike to report it missing but i couldn't even give him a lift home because i had my girlfriend riding pillion, i got back to the circuit, fighting my way against all the traffic trying to get out of the carpark, the girlfriend was well pissed off, it had just started raining, as we made our way north on the a5 the rain became torrential, we were soaked within seconds, the temperature dropped, very unseasonal for august, we stopped in hinckley for petrol, pressed the button and the bike wouldn't start, water had got in somewhere, out with the tool's, track and chase, garage owner comes out around 2200 hours, 'sorry mate, i'm going to have to close up', girlfriends asleep on the floor by now, i'm shaking with cold, fingers numb, i turn the headlight off and for some reason press the button, the bike coughs and starts, we ride back, i have no headlight, everytime i flick the lights on the motor dies, so, we make the journey back in almost darkness, headlight on, sssttttt, headlight off, cough, can't see where we are going, headlight on, cough, sssttttt, get home around midnight, one of my favourite racers has been killed, i'm fucking soaked and cold and my mate has had his bike nicked and to top it all the bird is giving me shit, deep joy......
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