mrs b on my honda xbr 5oo chop, didn't have a shed back then so built this one in a lean-too on the back of our house, forks and wheels were out of an xs 250 yamaha custom, [the original honda wheels were the horrible 'comstar' stock pressed aluminium things, spent hours wet and drying the polished rims and spokes on the wheels , masking up the rest and hand painting 'jap-lac' the rest, the round oil tank was a disaster, the chain hit the under side of it and i had to have it 'windowed' to allow for the chain-run, all this after having it painted, the rear mudguard is horrible! it needed pulling forward about 15" and a side mounted rear numberplate instead of trying to keep everything symmetrical, really liked the xbr 500 engine, ran one for a few years as my daily transport, they did pretty well in single cylinder racing as i recall, quite a few ended up having exotic racing frames wrapped around them.....
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