after five great days in san francisco we get itchy feet so it's time to move on, we head south in search of some sunshine, down the pacific coast highway one, fifty miles later we hit santa cruz, setting for the legendary 'lost boys' film, [john travolta wore one of the local college santa cruz banana slug t-shirts in pulp fiction], santa cruz is bathed in sunshine,we walk onto the pier and watch the sealions basking, stroll along the boardwalk through the fun-fair and look at the old wooden rollercoaster that featured in the film, life wouldn't be complete without a quick deep fried cheesecake tortilla and then back on the road, we soon lose the nice weather and visibility drops to twenty feet as the freeway drops down to two-lane blacktop, i pass a great roadsign, 'bends for the next 97 miles', the road is brilliant, light traffic and it must be amazing on a bike, mrs b keeps uttering oaths as she catches a glimpse of the drop below, down through the giant redwoods and we climb hundreds of feet on the road around the coast of big sur, 200 miles later and i'm ready for a break, we check into a hotel in shell beach near san luis obisbo, quick shower and still time for a quick walk on the beach, mrs b decides to stay put and sort out her e-mails while me and the kids have a walk, little do we know what is about to happen.......................................................

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