got my vinyl collection out today, you know that thing, when you open up the boxes and that slightly musty, old, vinyl-record-cardboard-sleeve-sensation hit's you, looking through the records bought back loads of memories, i used to live for it, all-nighters, all-dayers, searching through second hand shops the length and breadth of england for that elusive gem, more often than not it ended in disapointment, every now and then you would find something special, still got all my records, never part with them, easier to listen to them on disc or i-pod now, phil hinds, dommo, elaine, jasmine, hector, vanessa, soul sam, manship, jeanette, jen, julie, all the cleo's crew, bri gresham, clive, jane goodall, [rip], dennis mcdonald, st ives, samantha's, palais nottingham, tiff's sheffield. peterboro' wirrina stadium, keep on keepin' on.................................................................
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