51-51 was my number, [with apologies to the mighty toots and the maytals, '54-46 was my number'], dangerous is away sunning himself in tenerife while i'm holding the fort, don't know where the week has gone, jack is on night's so i'm giving him a lift to work every night, when i get back it's nearly 9pm so not a lot of time to get stuck into the project, got a couple of hours every night then in for a bite, shower and bed, at least the nights are drawing out now so hope to get out on one of the bikes as soon as i can, think i was a little optimistic about getting the racer up and running for the start of the season, we built both the ducati's last winter, no problem, so thought i could get this bloody mz done, tested and ready to race in no-time, big mistake, had some good news though, motors tv are screening every round from april so you should, [keep your fingers crossed], be able to see me, 1- falling off in a comedy stylee, 2- getting lapped by the leaders at least twice, 3- the bike skittling ten riders as i miss my breaking point or 4- the dodgy tank bursting at the seams, the petrol hitting the hot engine and exploding sending me into orbit. remember. keep your eyes open for number 51- that's me that is.
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