my great, great, great, uncle abner loveless, he used to race back in the day, he had an unfortunate accident at the tt races, the bike he was riding was a special that he built himself in his shed, following the leader on the road on the second lap as he descended bray hill the bike started to misfire, coughing and blowing back through the bell-mouth on the carb, as he bent down to see what the problem was there was a massive bang and a huge ball of flame set fire to his beard, his helmet and glasses were blown off in the incident and he crashed at the the stunning speed of 27mph, i can remember a bit of advice he gave to me when he was a very old man, "chuck them fucking engine brackets in the bin youth, you have made a right mess of them, don't be a tight bastard and try to do them yourself when you can buy a set off burwins", wise old uncle abner, he's right you know, the brackets are shit and i'm not using them.