wes cooley, number 34, gs1000 yoshimura superbike, i had one of these, same 'ice cream van' blue and white paintjob, it was a fucking animal, had metmachex swing arm, harris 'works performance' black chrome., [remember that?], exhaust eddie lawson blue anodised bars, rg 500 mudguard, 'cir cycle' bellmouths, marzzochi remote reservoir shocks, had it tuned by brian gannon, he used to work for pip higham at the village bike shop who used to tune all the quick four stroke suzuki's back in the day, got some brembo calipers off a guzzi and sweary bob at spondon racing made me some adaptor plates up in exchange for some shell dromus b oil i nicked from work, happy days, i'll scan my photo's and get them on here.
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