bosting weekend at the fourth le-rock independence rally, held at the duke william in matlock, not a million miles awayfrom home and certainly no epic roadtrip, just time to catch up with old friends and chill, the ride-out was a laugh, around 25 bikes, [led by dangerous dave on a ducati!], on a quick 70 mile blast around the peak district, back to the pub, a couple of beers and a walk into the 'bath for a fish and chip blowout. back to the campsite and we meet up with nick who's had an epic afternoon on the guzzi project, carl arrives on the bonnie after a wet ride over from lincolnshire and we slip into party mode, thanks barse, gordy, dangerous, kev, nick, chris, jake and carl. sunday morning and i skin out early, the a6 is a great bit of road when theres not the usual heavy traffic, police and twats about, i'm home before the family are up, i brew a tea and the dogs follow me into the shed, i take a roll of scotchbrite and start to dull off all the polished aluminium on the sporty reducing it to a matt finish, don't know why, it just seemed the right thing to do and sometimes you just have to do the right thing, you dig?
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