Summer Two Thousand And Twenty 2

So, Summer 2022 and i'm down to one bike. We needed a new roof on the gaf and since being made redundant i figured it was more important to be waterproof than having a shed full of motorcycles. Ive decided that the FTR is the bike i've been looking for all along, [well, until the next thing comes along] its fast, fun and would like to say frugal but it drinks unleaded like it's going out of fashion. I've spunked £48 on fuel joyriding over the last two days. Admittedly that includes a 210 mile round trip down through North Oxfordshire to meet up with an old mucker but, really? forty-eight quid on fuel, rid-ic-u-lous. Anyway, please note, stock Dunlop tyres now junked and replaced with some Bridgestones, horrible numberplate / indicator / rear tyre cover thing junked and replaced with a MooreSpeed tail tidy mounted in the more traditional under the rear seat location, rear footpegs binned and the lovely but loud IX Race pipes. left the cat on and ran it sans db killers which was fun. for around three minutes. horses bolting, kids screaming at the side of the road, Download Festival at Donington Park phoned me and asked me to turn the bike off as the punters couldn't hear the bands, yup, fucking loud. So, db killers fitted and it's still loud but its not fuelling correctly, nothing major, a little surging in low revs when engaging low gears so need to get the ecu flashed. Dynojet do one which is a nice piece of kit but retails around £450 which gets my goat. Why should you have to spunk that to get your bike running sweetly, absolute bollocks..........


  1. Down to one bike! You are my hero! Every time I'm ready to let one go I take it on a ride and rethink my plans. Problem is the repair to ride ratio is becoming absurd.

  2. Hello OMD, yep, this time last year I had four motorcycles in the shed but I figured the same as you, all need maintaining coupled with the short riding season here in Old Blighty, [hey, I ride for pleasure nowadays, the days of riding daily to work and back through the dark, wet and cold are long gone so beat me up!] the shortage of space in my one-car garage meant that I often grabbed the first bike nearest the door which resulted in me not riding the other bikes, to put it into perspective I only Road the SRad 600 once in a year! Ridiculous! Nice to own and look at parked in the shed but if you ain’t going to ride them a bit pointless really…..

  3. Julian here super cool looking exhaust's super cool bike around really

  4. Thanks Julian, it puts a smile on my face every time I ride it!


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