tt races

a great day's racing at monday's tt, i tuned into manx radio, [streaming it through my computer] half an hour before the start to find that the day's programme had been delayed by a couple of hours due to a fatal accident involving a visiting biker at greeba, i whiled away the next couple of hour's weeding in the garden, the dog's helping me, catching frog's and despatching them and leaving little amphibian bodies all over the 'lawn', [if you have terrier's you know what a 'lawn' is, clump's of moss and weed's with yellow pee-stains and areas of excavation deep enough to hide a double decker, [and bones, toy's, sock's etc.] i opened the french window and placed my old desktop on a chair as far as the power lead would reach so i could listen to the commentary, the opening race, the supersport's was a blistering affair with one of the closest finishes in tt history, bruce anstey just pipping cam donald by a staggering nought- point- seven- seven- seconds, [yep 0.77 second's] just think about that, that's so close after four laps of a circuit that's 37.73 miles long, the superstock race got under way at around 1830hrs, john mcguiness chalking up his first superstock victory but an amazing tt win number 19, i really didn't think anyone could ever beat joey's record but with mcguiness i really wouldn't like to say now, he was actually rolling it off in the last lap to make sure he didn't run out of fuel.......


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