we need a way of mounting the new lithium lightweight battery that i bought at the newark show, the little beauty weighs in at under a kilogram, it's in a carbon reinforced case, is sealed and can be mounted any- which- way up, they were originally for military use so are a tough bit of kit and the guy who we bought it from assured us it's not affected by vibration, as we were originally going to fit the big, heavy standard battery in the standard battery carrier i left the mounting points on the [now] powdercoated frame, this always gives us the option of using the standard battery and carrier in the event of a failure to the trick item, [i hope we don't get any failure though at 150+ olde englishe pounds a throw, otherwise a certain battery salesman will find it difficult walking around with one hanging out of his backdoors], sorry, got off topic there for a moment, anyway, not one to miss out on the chance to get the centre of gravity way on down, [and let's face it, totally over- engineer a new battery carrier, try out the new end mill and create loads of swarf to boot] so, a piece of 16mm flat stock, roughly hewn to shape with a hacksaw, [wish i had a bandsaw.....] battery measured, work marked out and start to mill a recess for the battery to sit in and mount off the top of the gearbox where the old air-box used to sit...........


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