as we said earlier, the brembo caliper hits the spokes on the grimeca wheel so we had a couple of solutions, we could space the disc out to centre the rotor in the caliper but this throws up a few more problems, the mountings are a five stud pattern rather than the usual six which is a bitch because you cannot measure the pitch circle diameter of the mountings easily and also we are stuck with the skinny standard forks which when we fit the fatter 17 inch x 2.75 rim we end up running out of space. so, we have a pair of wheels out of a lightweight japper, [no, i'm not telling you which bike their off!], which are massively over- engineered for the donor bike, i hit the net and find out that the donor puts out roughly the same bhp as our anticipated bench mark, but, the donor weighs considerably more, [ok, 12 kilograms], than my target weight of between 105 and 110 kilo's, let's get them on the miller and remove the purely cosmetic 'fan' type excess. i weighed the wheel before and after and i've saved 200grams, not a lot i know but just think how much trouble you would be in if the old bill caught you with that amount!, you have to add in the factor of saving unsprung weight too which should make the bike turn in faster, fuck me, check me out, just keep repeating 'it's an mz you're racing, it's an mz you're racing, it's an mz you're racinnnnnnnggggg.................'


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